The pathology department of DeltaHealth Hospital is led by Prof. Zhang Jie (Honorary Chief of Pathology of Chest Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University, editor of WHO Thoracic Tumor Pathology Installment (5th edition))and his team. The department is equipped with international-level devices and equipment, including modern pathological section equipment; an automated Immuno-histochemistry testing platform, a fluorescence in situ hybridization testing platform, and a tumor driver gene testing platform. The pathological diagnosis team supports intraoperative histopathological diagnosis with a quick frozen section; histopathological diagnosis with various routine paraffin sections, endoscopic (puncture) histopathological diagnosis; molecular pathological testing, and other core testing items in modern pathology. High-resolution processing remote consultation platform allows group consultation and discussion over critical and difficult pathological samples with renowned experts. It greatly facilitates clinical diagnostic and therapeutic strategizing, determination of surgical range, planning for radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and personalized targeted therapy, as well as assessment of the potency of medicines, delivering high quality medical care to the extended patient community.