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Cardiac Surgery

Cardiac Surgery Department of DeltaHealth Hospital·Shanghai is led by international renowned cardiac surgeon Professor Sun Lizhong and Professor Liu Jianshi. The team is in close cooperation with Columbia Heart Source in the United States. With internationally advanced medical philosophy, the Cardiac Surgery Department aims to lift the industry to a new standard. It is the first in domestic to establish a rapid response force, so that patients with acute cardiovascular disease can receive surgery within one and half hour on average after arriving at the hospital. The team provides advanced medical care for patients, opens the door of hope for patients seeking medical treatment, and saves their lives.

Treatable Diseases:Various aortic diseases, Coronary artery diseases, Heart valvular diseases, Pediatric and adult complex congenital heart disease, Various difficult aortic diseases, Complex congenital heart diseases and high-risk heart disease patients who have undergone multiple cardiac operations
Key Physician Leaders
Prof. Lizhong Sun
Cardiac Surgery
Chief Physician
Chinese, English
Introduction:Lizhong Sun, M.D., president of DeltaHealth Hospital, professor, chief physician, Ph.D mentor Chief of Cardiac surgery of Capital Medical University. Chairman-elect of Chinese Society for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, president of Cardiovascular Surgical Engineering and Technology Branch of China Medical Bioengineering Association, 3rd president of Cardiac Surgeon Branch of Chinese Medical Doctor Association, AAT5 member; Daniel L. Macken Visiting Professor of Columbia University, U.S.A. Chairman of Cardiac Surgery Branch of Beying Medical Association, Chairman of Cardiac Surgery Specialist Branch of Beijing Medical Doctor Association, President of Cardiac Surgery Professional Committee of Chinese Medicine Education Association, National Technology Award and China Medical Technology Award Evaluation expert.In nearly 40 years of clinical practices in Cardiovascular Surgery, he has independently completed and oversaw junior surgeons in doing more than 25000 cardiovascular surgeries. He is one of the cardiovascular surgeons whotaketheleadin surgical volumes and disease coverage. He has done 21 aortic research projects, 10 of which are on national level and 11 of which are on the ministerial and provincial level. He has 14 patents, more than 400 academic publications with more than 100 research publications on SCI journals. He has edited 10 monographs and was the chief editor of Aortic surgery and chief translator of Atlas of vessel surgery anatomy He has received 4 second award of National Technology Advancement Award, 2 Chinese Medicine Technology First Award, 1 Chinese Medicine Technology Second Award, 1 second and third award of Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Advancement Award, 1 National Education Ministry Science and Technology Advancement First Award, 1 National Education Ministry Science and Technology Advancement Second Award, one Shanghai Science and Technology Advancement First Award. He is on the editorial board of Aorta (Aortic Research Institute of Yale University Medical School), Asian Cardiovascular and Thoracic Annals (Asia Society of Thoracic and cardiovascular surgery), European Association For Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, Annals of Vascular Surgery, Annals of Cardiothoracic Surgery. He is the Chief Editor of Chinese Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery and Associate Chief Editor of Journal of Cardiac and Pulmonary Disease, etc.His surgical innovations, including aortic dissection classification and aortic root replacement combined with stent elephant trunk operation(Suns Procedure)has won wide recognition from peers and is now under widespread application. He is active in academic communication of aortic surgery and actively promotes relevant technology. He has hosted 9 International Pangu Great Vessel Disease Forums, 14 Aortic Surgery Continued Training Workshops, 6 Aortic Surgery Continued Training International Workshops. He has made major contribution to the development of aortic surgery in China.
Prof. Jianshi Liu
Cardiac Surgery
Chief Physician
Chinese, English
Introduction:Professor Liu is a member of the Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Branch of the Chinese Medical Association as well as the Chairman of the Cardiovascular Surgery Branch of Tianjin Medical Association.Professor Liu has over 30 years of experience in cardiac surgery at Chinese and overseas hospitals.He specializes in the treatment of complex congenital heart disease in newborns and infants. He used to work as a Chief Physician in Cardiac Surgery IPD at Charite Hospital, associated to Humboldt University.
Wei Liu
Cardiac Surgery
Vice Chief Physician
Kaitao Jian
Cardiac Surgery
Chief Physician
Chinese, English, Cantonese
Yu Xia
Cardiac Surgery
Vice Chief Physician
Chinese, English, German
Qingzhi Li
Chinese, English
Yi Lin
Chinese, English
Weilin Shen
Cardiac Surgery,  ICU
Vice Chief Physician
Chinese, English
Hao Peng
Cardiac Surgery
Attending Physician
Chinese, English
Qun Lang
Chinese, English